Track and Field Cup
About the Schools' Track & Field Cup
Entries for the 2025 Track and Field Cup are now open.

Track & Field Cup Rounds
- Preliminary rounds are held between teams within each County – there may be a number of competitions held within each County depending on the number of teams entered.
- The highest scoring teams in the first-round competition progress to one of 8 Regional A Finals, and all other qualifiers progress to Regional B Finals.
- The leading team from each Regional A Final then progresses to the Cup Final, together with the 5 highest scoring teams from across the Country.
Track & Field Competition Rules
Track & Field Cup Score Tables
Download the score tables for the Track & Field Cup below.

Friday 7th March 2025
Additional Information
Each school can enter one team in each of the following age groups:
- Junior Boys (at least 12, but under 14 years)
- Junior Girls (at least 12, but under 14 years)
- Intermediate Boys (at least 14, but under 16 years)
- Intermediate Girls (at least 14, but under 16 years)
Ages are as at 31st August at the end of the school year in which the competition is held. Normally Juniors are years 7 & 8, and Intermediates are years 9 & 10.
- Preliminary rounds are held between teams within each County – there may be a number of competitions held within each County depending on the number of teams entered.
- The highest scoring teams in the first-round competition progress to one of 8 Regional A Finals, and all other qualifiers progress to Regional B Finals.
- The leading team from each Regional A Final then progresses to the Cup Final, together with the 5 highest scoring teams from across the Country.
Teams comprise 12 athletes for Junior Girls, and 14 athletes for Intermediate Girls, Junior Boys, and Intermediate Boys. Each athlete may do no more than two events: one track and one field event; one track and the relay; one field event and the relay. All teams MUST have a relay team. Competitions are scored on a points basis where better performances gain more points.
Track and Field Cup scoring tables can be downloaded here.
Please find a map of all regions eligible to compete here.
Information around insurance can be found here.
Section 195 of the Equalities Act 2010, makes it lawful to restrict participation of transgender participants in competitions where physical strength, stamina or physique are major factors in determining success or failure, if this is necessary to uphold fair competition, but not otherwise.
This is effectively saying that if the physical strength, stamina or physique of the average pupil of one sex would put him or her at a significant advantage compared to the average pupil of the other sex as a competitor in a sport, game or other competitive activity, event organisers can legally restrict participation in the activity to pupils of one sex. Sports which come under this heading are referred to in the Act as a ‘Gendered Activity’. Athletics is a Gendered activity.
For this reason, it is necessary to have in place a fair and considered policy to allow participation for all in Schools’ events and ensure fair competition and the safety of all those participating.
In Formal ESAA competitions, the girls’ category is for those who were recorded female at birth. This includes ESAA Track and Field Championships, ESAA Combined Events & Race-walking, ESAA Cross-Country, and ESAA Cup Competitions
Information on how to declare teams for County and Regional rounds. Meeting Organisers information.
Printer settings for Field cards instructions here

Upcoming Fixtures - 2025
The dates for County, Regional and the National final 2025
County Rounds ( Round 1) will take place between May 6th and May 16 2025
Regional Rounds (Round 2) will take place between June 3rd and June 17th 2025
National Final:
Saturday 5th July 2025
Chelmsford Sport and Athletics Centre, Salerno Way, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 2EH
Dates and venues of County Rounds and Regional Finals will be posted here after entries open and the details become available.
The Next Competition
Track and Field Cup Final 2025
Saturday 5th July 2025 Chelmsford Sport and Athletics Centre, Salerno Way, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 2EH

ESAA Track and Field Cup
Competition organisers contact email address
National Coordinators and Regional secretaries contacts can be viewed below
ESAA Track and Field Cup Badge Awards
A variety of badges can be ordered by schools for performances by athletes during the season. Full details via the link below
Previous Track and Field Cup final results

Track and Field Cup Results
See County and Regional results below.
Results shown may be subject to change.
Schools should inform organisers of any amendments within 24 hours.
Please note performances at the National Final will appear on the Power Of Ten.
A small number of Regional Rounds may also appear depending on the number of UKA officials attending.
County Round performances will not be eligible for appearing on the Power of Ten.